Our Solutions - Holistix Serious Case Review

eCR Partnership update
As well as partnering with Kent Safeguarding Children Board to establish the children's safeguarding case review process, QES has also partnered with Bath and North East Somerset as well as Hampshire to ensure eCR is compliant with the Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) process
eCR is part of the QES Safeguarding suite of tools supporting the need to gather, understand and gain value from multi-agency information, to support young and vulnerable people.
As a secure online solution eCR acts as a central data repository, accessible by all agencies, to input their engagement with people that require a case review, supporting all reviews not just Serious Case Reviews.
Using configurable local thresholds that span a range of review types, from Serious Case Reviews to best practice learning opportunities, eCR is an end-to-end review too for:
- Case notification
- Case working and administration
- Information requesting and collection
- Event chronolator
- Report authoring and sharing

eCR is smart device compatible
The burden of administration requesting, chasing and entering information is a time consuming and onerous process in readying a case for review; Typically, these processes include sending out paper or digital forms, identifying what information is outstanding and chasing its return. Once returned information needs storing in an accessible way for the wide variety of professionals involved in review cases to access, this can be challenging as agencies don’t share secure networks. eCR uses the QES Safeguarding administration processes that have proven to reduce multi agency review case work administration drastically from 2 days to 2 hours per case.
With the drive to increase safeguarding service learning and increasing the number of reviews, eCR enables more cases to be completed using your current recourses.
Taking the review process from a notification of a case through to the creation and distribution of the final report, eCR supports local variations in processes as well as the range of review types and their thresholds.
Rather than sending out forms to be completed, and having to enter the returned information into another system or process, eCR enables agency partners to be sent links directly to eCR allowing them enter their information into the process, this cuts out several steps not only speeding it up but also making it more robust and auditable with ease.
With over 10 years’ experience of providing cloud based multi-agency tools QES know security has to underpin every aspect of eCR, both in terms of the data it retains and access to it. Flexibility to support the range of local role/access requirements is built in to eCR, providing the confidence that your information governance is not compromised. Often information governance is strengthened when moving from email, faxing and posting forms to a secure, auditable and hosted service eCR solution

QES Safeguarding efficiency
Huge benefits, from realising time, have been evidenced by QES Safeguarding tool users, some of these include:- Quality of review meetings Increased
- Greater multiagency case awareness
- Improved learning from cases
- More awareness of risks & trends
- Better multiagency working
As with all QES systems eCR has been designed from the ground up to be 100% fit for purpose. Working with Kent Safeguarding Children Board for the second time, following the local and national success of the Child Death Overview Panel solution eCDOP, eCR requires no agency partner training to use and focuses on reducing admin to drive up efficiency and increase quality of learning.
Learning from multi-agency cases has traditionally been an administrate burden for both those seeking the knowledge as well as those providing it. This has been one of the reasons that often only the cases with the most serious outcomes or impacts are reviewed.
eCR enables existing size teams to go deliver Serious Case Reviews as well as other locally defined reviews without additional resources, by improving the efficiency of information gathering, collating, reviewing, report writing and sharing task.
Learning and driving multi-agency working improvements via eCR has never been easier.

Advantages shared by existing users of QES Safeguarding tools:
- Use of the system has enabled any backlog of ‘out of year cases’ to be completed and signed off
- Panel administration time has greatly reduced – in some cases from 2 days to 2 hours.
- As notifications are now made online, this information is shared quickly and accurately.
- Users have confirmed that the system is easy to use with no need for an account/password
- The system automatically produces a copy of the notification which is instantly emailed to the individual for their records.
- Less time is now spent chasing people for information as the requested information is now directly inputted onto the system by the partner/agency concerned.
- Improved data quality and minimal duplication of information as accurate partner data is pre-loaded onto the system
- Enhanced data security as information is no longer shared by post, fax or email
- Reduced time co-ordinating meetings as automated invitations and confirmation details are produced by the system
Time saved has resulted in:
- Improved quality of meetings
- Greater awareness of in year cases
- New mechanisms being developed in respect of sharing the learning from cases with partners
- Increased awareness of current trends, risks, and issues
eCR enables existing size teams to go deliver Serious Case Reviews as well as other locally defined reviews without additional resources, by improving the efficiency of information gathering, collating, reviewing, report writing and sharing task.
Learning and driving multi-agency working improvements via eCR has never been easier.